March 31st Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings –

March 31, 2023 - Comment

[ad_1] March 31st Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings PHONED IN ITEMS FOR SALE: 2 9-month-old female cats, brown and black stripped, friendly, good mousers, go together, free – 403 586 2860 FOR SALE: Pair of leather vintage saddle bags, $50 / size 9 ladies motorcycle boots, $20 / mandolin $90 – 403 224


March 31st Century 21 Bravo Realty Trading Post Listings


FOR SALE: 2 9-month-old female cats, brown and black stripped, friendly, good mousers, go together, free – 403 586 2860

FOR SALE: Pair of leather vintage saddle bags, $50 / size 9 ladies motorcycle boots, $20 / mandolin $90 – 403 224 2796

FOR SALE: 9 month old border collie female, registered, vet checked, all shots, good obedience, trained for sheep, fast and smart dog – 403 443 9445

FOR SALE: 2010 Montana 5th wheel, 34 feet, 2 TVs, king size bed, always stored inside, EUC / 2006 Kodiak quad, EUC, new tires, aluminum wheels, winch, roll bar – 403 556 4404

FOR SALE: Lift master garage door opener, motor housing, reel with belt, hardware, safety senor, wiring – 403 875 1118 $70

FOR SALE: 8.5 Skates, Bauer stealth, skate guards, free – 403 507 0479 Didsbury

FOR SALE: 1990 Dodge half ton, regular cab, 200000KM, $3500 – 403 507 8908

FOR SALE: 2 portable garages, shelter logic, 10x20x8 – 403 507 2838

FOR SALE: Bose wave stereo, with CD player, asking $350 OBO / computer stereo system, with sub, asking $70 – 403 874 1228

LOOKING FOR: Someone looking to train horses – 403 844 1156

LOOKING FOR: Someone to make willow furniture, for covered deck – 403 337 3895


FOR SALE: Goodyear Duratrac tires Matching set of 4 LT 275/65/18 Good tread Lots of miles left on these tires No leaks Great deal $360. Text 587 807 6564 for inquiries Lacombe

FOR SALE: 12,500 lb Electric winch Worth $3500 Make a reasonable offer / 53” by 88″ glycol aluminum radiant heating panels $150 – 587 999 5818

FOR SALE: Quilt batting $5.00, fabric and $5.00 & up / new GOLF SHOES $15.00 / old and modern JEWELRY $5.00 and up – Call 403 335 3483 in Didsbury

FOR SALE: Mens 13 Steel toed Rubber boots $40 obo / Adult Trike parts bike $120 obo / His n Her Mt Bikes $120 obo – 403 438 2580

FOR SALE: Set of 4 good ridge advantage sport Lt tires sill have the stickers on the tread new $1200.00 asking $1000.00 or obo call 403 318 7717

FOR SALE: 4 horse goose neck trailers with walk in tack room excellent condition Aluminum more info call 403 507 9095

FOR SALE: Good quality cow grass round bales. Call 403 887 5528 or 403 660 0951

FOR SALE: Reese 20,000lb fifth wheel hitch / Reese 25,000lb gooseneck hitch. Would like $500 for the pair or $400 for fifth wheel hitch and $100 for gooseneck hitch – Austin at 403 901 5672 Carbon Alberta

FOR SALE: Firewood for sale spruce and pine mixed ready to go some delivery available Didsbury area – 403 829 3073

FOR SALE: Clipping chute for sale great for show cattle and 4-H calves Asking $450.00 – Call or Text to 403 304 9488

FOR SALE: 1 year old black Dextra heifer for sale / had all her shots – 403 318 5873

LOOKING FOR: Looking for a good working transmission for a 1998 Ford Expedition / a mobile home to give away to a handy man ready to be moved – 403 519 4359 Caroline.

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