[ad_1] Last Edited: November 17, 2018 at 3:37 AM Page Tools This page covers the best horse and will show you how to get them — including the free Elite Arabian that you can get very early in RDR2. In Red Dead Redemption, horses come in many types – and some have a certain advantage
This page covers the best horse and will show you how to get them — including the free Elite Arabian that you can get very early in RDR2. In Red Dead Redemption, horses come in many types – and some have a certain advantage over others. Specific horses that are hard to find or purchase also have superior stats in speed, acceleration, health, and stamina.
As horses come in many types, most of them have some strengths but also carry drawbacks – however, below you’ll find some of the best horses in a particular category at a glance:
Of all the ArabianHorses, The White Arabian Horse is the only elite horse that can be found in the wild instead of having to be purchased, saving you a thousand dollars!
You can find this special horse on the northwestern side of Lake Isabella in Grizzlies West. Fast Travel to Strawberry and ride north.
You should find the white horse in the snowy bank around the frozen lake. It lives alone, without other horses.
Once spotted, approach the Elite Arabian very slowly as she will spook easily.
Study her with RB.
After you study the Arabian, you’ll gain a “Calm Bar” which shows her alert level. Slowly approach while constantly hitting the button shown to calm her.
You will then unlock a Pat button. Pat her.
Then you get the option to mount her.
Once mounted, the Arabian will try her hardest to buck you off. Fight her movement with the left stick to keep from falling off. After a while, she will finally break, and the horse will be yours.
Transfer your saddle to the Elite Arabian to keep her and then ride to a Stable to improve her stats even further.
The other Arabian Horses still boat impressive speed and acceleration, but the Black coat can only be bought from Chapter 4 onwards from the Saint Denis Stable, and the Rose Grey Bay coat can only be bought at the Epilogue in the Blackwater Stable.
The Missouri Fox Trotter breed boasts the best base speed in the game, with excellent acceleration and good health and stamina to boot.
However, these horses can ONLY be bought from stables, and cannot be tamed in the wild or stolen from others.
The Amber Champagne coat becomes available to buy in Chapter 4 at the Scarlett Meadows Stable, while the Silver Dapple Pinto coat shows up in the Epilogue 1 at the Blackwater Stable. Both can be purchased for aroudn $950.
Of all the Nokota coats, only the Reverse Dapple Roan boasts superior Speed and high acceleration over the other Nokota coats. However, the Reverse Dapple Roan can only be purchased from a stable once you reach Chapter 4, and go to the Saint Denis Stable.
There are 3 Thoroughbred coats, and 2 are found in the wild with reduced stats, meaning the Brindle coat has much better stats, and can be bought as early as Chapter 3, at the Strawberry Stable.
All 3 of the Turkoman coats have great speed, acceleration, and health. You can find the Gold coat after Chapter 4 by going to the Saint Denis Stable. The Dark Bay will appear in the Blackwater Stable during the Epilogue, while the Silver coat will also appear in the Epilogue at the Tumbleweed Stable.
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