Horse Talk: Yes, 'Ranch Horse' is really a thing –

March 19, 2021 - Comment

[ad_1] Back in the day, horse shows offered pretty much the same events — usually halter, performance, and trail. Breed shows added classes favoring those breeds. Arabian shows had driving, saddle seat and park horse; Quarter Horse shows often included cutting, pole bending, barrels and other gymkhana-type events. Other disciplines included hunter and jumper, hunter under saddle and so on, and


Back in the day, horse shows offered pretty much the same events — usually halter, performance, and trail. Breed shows added classes favoring those breeds. Arabian shows had driving, saddle seat and park horse; Quarter Horse shows often included cutting, pole bending, barrels and other gymkhana-type events.

Other disciplines included hunter and jumper, hunter under saddle and so on, and — of course — shows dedicated only to certain disciplines were held, as well.

These days, however, you’re likely to find Western Dressage and Ranch Horse options as separate shows or part of the “regular stuff.” 

FiveStar Equestrian Events — presented by Raven Ridge Ranch in Phelan and Blue Ridge Elite Horsemanship — held a Ranch Horse clinic recently with guest clinicians Sherry Krig and Marjorie Coulter.

Saddled and ready to go, 28 participants learned about Ranch Riding and Ranch Reining, and had the opportunity to hone their skills in both disciplines.

They also practiced on trail course obstacles for the upcoming Obstacle Challenge Buckle Series offered by FiveStar. The shows are in the Horse Talk calendar on this page. They are scheduled for April 11, May 16 and July 11.

Special award winners at this clinic were Tina Silver, who submitted the first entry and Terri Eakins for being the first participant to arrive.

Food and refreshments were served by Tania’s Hot Mess Express. This vendor will be catering all upcoming events at Raven Ridge Ranch.

For updates and further information, visit Blue Ridge Elite Horsemanship or Raven Ridge Ranch on Facebook for more information on what’s happening at this beautiful facility.

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