Haythorn Horses – WesternHorseman.com

August 6, 2020 - Comment

[ad_1] While visiting Haythorn Land & Cattle during spring works, there were many opportunities to photograph the ranch’s renowned broodmares, foals and saddle horses. When I traveled to Haythorn Land & Cattle in the Nebraska Sandhills earlier this spring, I was aware of the ranch’s rich horse history. That was a major factor in our


While visiting Haythorn Land & Cattle during spring works, there were many opportunities to photograph the ranch’s renowned broodmares, foals and saddle horses.

When I traveled to Haythorn Land & Cattle in the Nebraska Sandhills earlier this spring, I was aware of the ranch’s rich horse history. That was a major factor in our decision to spotlight the Haythorn in the August 2020 issue of Western Horseman. But I had no idea how many times I would get to photograph horses trotting or loping through rolling green pastures. In the five days I spent on the ranch, I had eight opportunities to capture horses running loose across open country, usually trailed by cowboys. Whether it was saddle horses or mares and foals on the move, it was a situation that would excite any Western or equine photographer. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

Ethan Oberst moving yearling fillies
Ethan Oberst moves a group of yearling fillies. This was my first day to take photos on the Haythorn, and I was thrilled to get a chance to capture this scene. Little did I know that many similar scenes were to follow.
Craig Haythorn trailing mares and foals
Craig Haythorn trails mares and foals into a pasture near headquarters. The ranch currently owns approximately 30 broodmares and pasture breeds most of them to ranch stallions such as Four Metallic and PG Shogun.
gelding loping across a pasture
Haythorn geldings lope across the Sandhills of northwest Nebraska. Some of the cowboys had just trailed them a few miles from headquarters to this large pasture where they would stay for the better part of spring works.
Craig Haythorn with his remuda
At sunrise, Craig Haythorn brings the remuda into the rope corral. At 73, Craig still puts in long, horseback days working on the ranch his family owns and operates.
Haythorn ranch geldings
Haythorn geldings are known for their stout build, endurance and cow sense, which makes them ideal for working cattle in the vast, rolling pastures near Arthur, Nebraska.
Haythorn Remuda in rope corral
The Haythorn remuda moves around in the rope corral while Sage Haythorn ropes the day’s mounts for the cowboy crew. I like how the shadow of a saddle horse falls on an unsaddled sorrel gelding.

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