Crow Wing County 4-Hers compete at state fair

September 30, 2018 - Comment

[ad_1] demonstrate their skills and knowledge in hippology—showing knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry; horse judging, study of an animal, measuring it against an accepted ideal; horse training and achievement; speech and demonstrations about interest in horses or the horse industry, showmanship and drill team skills. Youths who participate in the Minnesota 4-H


demonstrate their skills and knowledge in hippology—showing knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry; horse judging, study of an animal, measuring it against an accepted ideal; horse training and achievement; speech and demonstrations about interest in horses or the horse industry, showmanship and drill team skills.

Youths who participate in the Minnesota 4-H Horse Project learn about show, trail, and endurance riding; test their horse knowledge at quiz bowls or on judging teams, and study horse science. Youths may participate if they own or lease a horse. There are options for youths who are interested in horses, but don’t have access to one in their community.

“Through the Minnesota 4-H State Horse Show, youth build communications skills, gain deeper learning and interest in horses, and build relationships with caring adults,” Renee Kostick, Extension educator who manages the 4-H horse project in Minnesota, stated in a news release. “These experiences contribute to their success in school, community, and futures.”

The following youths were members of the Crow Wing County delegation: Savannah Bailey, Maddie Bernie, Emma Brinkman, Jessica Larson and Alex Keating, all on the Freestyle Drill Team; Ruby Brinkman and Abbey Foust; Freestyle Drill Team and games; Hanna Caughey, Freestyle Drill Team, games, Western showmanship; Kylie Dano, English showmanship, Western pleasure, Western horsemanship, saddle seat pleasure, saddle seat equitation; Freestyle Drill Team, games; Amber Hidde, horse related, Horse Demonstration Team; Haley Hins, Western showmanship, Western pleasure, hunt seat pleasure, hunt seat equitation; Coy Obowa and Brooke Schubert, games; Alexis Schroer, horse related, Horse Demonstration Team.

To learn more about Minnesota 4-H Horse Project, contact 4-H Program Coordinator Sarah Ukkelberg at 218-824-1069 and visit the website,

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