Breed Profile: The American Saddlebred Horse – Fédération Equestre Internationale
[ad_1] The American Saddlebred stands from 15 to a bit over 16 hands and weighs in at approximately 450-540 kilograms. Stallions typically weigh more than mares and geldings due to their increased muscle mass. You can identify this horse by its dense musculature, sculpted appearance, and high-set flowing tail. A slim, arched neck sits above
The American Saddlebred stands from 15 to a bit over 16 hands and weighs in at approximately 450-540 kilograms. Stallions typically weigh more than mares and geldings due to their increased muscle mass.
You can identify this horse by its dense musculature, sculpted appearance, and high-set flowing tail. A slim, arched neck sits above sloping shoulders and well-defined withers, leading to a level back. The head has a straight profile, and Saddlebred ears are forward, giving an expression of alertness with its bright, curious eyes.
American Saddlebred horses are found in a wide array of coat colours, with bay chestnut, brown, and black being the most common. Roan, grey, palomino, and pinto are also seen in this breed.
Showing and Riding American Saddlebred Horses
If you aren’t sure if you’re seeing an American Saddlebred, all doubt will be removed once it sets in motion. This horse is famous for its dance-like high step and unique gaits.
Three-gaited Saddlebreds perform the walk, trot, and canter, with an animated high knee action that’s unmistakable for any other breed. There are also five-gaited horses that show these three gaits as well as a slow gait and a rack.
The slow gait and rack are both four-beat gaits. The slow gait can be a running walk, stepping pace, or fox trot, but most horses today are shown with the stepping pace. In this gait, lateral pairs of legs leave the ground simultaneously but land at different times, with the hindfoot just before the forefoot. The rack, on the other hand, displays equal time intervals between each footfall.
As expected, this breed is often shown in saddle seat classes, an American twist on traditional English riding. But the adaptability of the American Saddlebred makes it ideal for a host of other disciplines, including hunt seat competition, fine harness carriage work, combined Driving, Dressage, and even three-day Eventing.
Non-competitive enjoyment of the breed ranges from pleasure carriage pulling and farm management to trail riding.

What to Expect as an American Saddlebred Owner
There’s a reason American Saddlebreds have been popular with celebrities, from Clark Gable and Will Rogers to William Shatner and Carson Kressley. This horse is loyal, willing, and versatile. But those new to the breed will want to know about specific care requirements for the best health and longest lifespan of their horses.
With its roots in colonial plantations, the American Saddlebred does well with a diet of grass and hay. Some owners add grain for extra energy in competition.
There are two health issues that crop up with this breed. Stifle and hock lameness can result from excessive and repetitive training in certain gaits. The breed is also prone to sidebone and ringbone in the front hooves. The Saddlebred’s natural high step makes for a higher impact on the feet, which in turn can lead to painful calcium deposits.
Lordosis (sway back) is also seen frequently as an inherited trait with American Saddlebreds. However, this condition rarely affects the horse’s health or ridability, although it is considered a fault in breed showing.
Be ready to spend a fair amount of time grooming your American Saddlebred horse. The same stunning manes and tails that make the breed look so flashy in the show ring take extra time to brush and detangle. Braiding the mane and tying up the tail in a mud knot help with care when not in competition.
Like with any horse, it’s wise to consider what type of activity you wish to pursue before purchasing an American Saddlebred. Those who want pleasure horses for trail riding and family fun will be happy to learn they don’t have to spend a fortune to find a beauty with the classic Saddlebred friendly disposition! Top show horses,of course, go for quite a bit more, so look at bloodlines carefully, and as always, invest in a pre-purchase exam from a qualified veterinarian.
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