April 16 coronavirus roundup for San Benito County – Benitolink: San Benito County News

April 17, 2020 - Comment

[ad_1] With everything happening with the coronavirus pandemic, we at BenitoLink want to provide a roundup of recent articles, as well as closures and cancellations happening in San Benito County. As of 4:30 p.m. on April 16 there are 42 confirmed cases in San Benito County since February, three of which are active, 37 recovered and


With everything happening with the coronavirus pandemic, we at BenitoLink want to provide a roundup of recent articles, as well as closures and cancellations happening in San Benito County.

As of 4:30 p.m. on April 16 there are 42 confirmed cases in San Benito County since February, three of which are active, 37 recovered and two deaths. For the most updated information, visit the San Benito County COVID-19 Dashboard.

Information courtesy of San Benito County Public Health Services.
Information courtesy of San Benito County Public Health Services.

San Benito County Health and Human Service Agency has provided a list of agencies, in both English and Spanish, who can assist residents in need at this time. See attached PDFs. This information has been mailed to registered voters.

Recent Articles

SBC Chamber of Commerce launches survey to learn business needs—Connecting people to resources is the ‘ultimate goal.’

Community Foundation helps with relief fund—$45,000 approved in disbursements so far, including emergency financial assistance, as well as support for immediate public health needs to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in San Benito County.

SBC updates property tax waivers—A penalty waiver will be needed for any missed payments between May 4 and June 30.

Cancellations and Postponements

-The San Benito County Saddle Show and Rodeo has been cancelled.

-The Women’s Fund San Benito County’s Financial Health and Wellness Workshop has been postponed. The event will be rescheduled for a later time.


-State and federal elected officials’ COVID-19 web pages:

-Congressman Jimmy Panetta cosponsored the Paycheck Protection Program Extension Act to significantly expand the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to ensure that every qualified small business is able to access the critical assistance they need to retain their workforce and cover basic operating costs for the full duration of the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic.  Representatives Derek Kilmer (WA-06), Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03) and Madeleine Dean (PA-04) co-introduced the legislation.

According to a recent release, the Paycheck Protection Program Extension Act:

  • Ensures support for small businesses continues through the duration of the pandemic.
  • Creates an extension mechanism that puts little to no burden on small business owners while protecting taxpayer interests by establishing clear, commonsense limitations.
  • Defers repayment of any remaining loan balance for the duration of the pandemic.
  • Provides adequate funding to effectively mitigate the economic impacts of the pandemic on small businesses.

-Major national news outlets, however, are reporting the fund is currently out of money and not accepting new applications.

From NBC News: “One of the main coronavirus relief fund sources for suffering small businesses hit its $350 billion limit Thursday and is no longer accepting any more lenders or applications, the Small Business Administration announced.

‘The SBA is currently unable to accept new applications for the Paycheck Protection Program based on available appropriations funding,’ SBA spokesperson Jennifer Kelly said in a statement. ‘Similarly, we are unable to enroll new PPP lenders at this time.’

“Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin asked Congress for an additional $250 billion funding.”

-State Senator Anna Caballero will be serving on the bi-partisan Special Committee on Pandemic Emergency Response tasked with reviewing the state’s response to the COVID-19 health crisis. According to a recent release, the committee also will make findings and recommendations for future preparedness, if the coronavirus returns later in the year, or if the state faces a subsequent pandemic. Caballero has also been appointed to the new California Senate Budget subcommittee on COVID -19 responses. The focus of the budget subcommittee are expenditures and funding related to the pandemic.

-Caballero will host a phone call for California farmworkers on Friday April 17 at 6 p.m. Workers can learn about farmworker health and safety during the coronavirus pandemic.

The call is free:

Toll Free: 844-767-5679 Access Code: 1359641

In Mixteco: 844-767-5679 Access Code: 9462992

-Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed an executive order ensuring a supplemental two-week sick pay for workers in the food industry including agriculture, grocery stores, food delivery, and food processing plants.


The U.S. Postal Service is currently looking for mail carriers for rural routes at $18.56 per/hour paid every two weeks.

Apply at usps.com/careers

Tips for avoiding COVID-19                      

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
  • Keep a minimum of a six feet physical distance from others.
  • Avoid people who are sick.
  • Stay at home. Only leave to take care of essential errands.
  • Cover your cough and sneeze.
  • Disinfect frequently touched objects.
  • If you think you might be infected call your health care professional and follow their directions.

BenitoLink is a nonprofit news website that reports on San Benito County. Our team is working around the clock during this time when accurate information is essential. It is expensive to produce local news and community support is what keeps the news flowing. Please consider supporting BenitoLink, San Benito County’s news.

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