9 Most Popular Arabian Horse Shows in the World – Horsey Hooves

March 24, 2022 - Comment

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Arabians are one of the oldest, purest breeds of horses to walk the earth. Noted for their incredible beauty and elegance, Arabian horse shows are popular worldwide.

The most popular Arabian horse shows are Scottsdale, U.S. Nationals, Arabian Horse World Championship, Dubai International, Qatar Nationals, UK International, Youth Nationals, European Championships, and Canadian Nationals.

These are among the most prestigious horse shows that showcase the best Arabian horses in the world. They offer a variety of classes and attract competitors from all over.

Arabian horses stand out in the crowd thanks to their finely chiseled heads, dished noses, arching necks, and high tail carriage.

These intelligent, athletic, and energetic horses are also famous for having a “floating trot.” As one of the most versatile breeds, they excel at a variety of divisions in western, hunt seat, saddle seat, dressage, and driving disciplines.

1. Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show

Scottsdale Arabian Horse ShowScottsdale Arabian Horse Show

The Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show is the largest Arabian horse show in the world and a favorite among exhibitors. From its humble beginnings in 1955 with just 50 horses, it now attracts around 2,400 horses annually.

The show was originally held on the grounds of the Arizona Biltmore Hotel. After that, Anne McCormick, one of the founders of the show, donated 150 acres of her ranch in Scottsdale to create Paradise Park, where the show was held for many years. However, the show now takes place at WestWorld in Scottsdale, Arizona, across 10 days every February.

Scottsdale is a true showcase of the versatility of the Arabian breed as it offers a variety of classes. You will see reining, cutting, western pleasure, show hack, and English pleasure. In addition, there is also a park, hunter pleasure, jumping, dressage, driving, equitation, native costume, and much more.

 One of its most popular divisions is the halter championships, which many consider the show’s highlight. Crowds at Scottsdale have exceeded over 200,000.

2. United States Arabian and Half-Arabian National Championship Horse Show

United States Arabian and Half-Arabian National Championship Horse ShowUnited States Arabian and Half-Arabian National Championship Horse Show

The United States Arabian and Half-Arabian National Championship Horse Show or U.S. Nationals, takes place every October in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Nearly 2,000 horses from all across North America come to compete at this prestigious show.

The show offers a large variety of classes for both Arabians and Half-Arabians. You will see everything from halter, park, country English pleasure, trail, hunter pleasure, and also so much more. There are eight days of competition for amateurs as well as professional riders too.

In addition to seeing some of the most breathtaking horses, you will also see lavish barn setups and stall fronts. There are plenty of vendors to shop at when not watching the show.

Read More: 8 Most Famous Arabian Horses in History

3. Arabian Horse World Championship

Arabian Horse World Championship in ParisArabian Horse World Championship in Paris
anakondasp / Shutterstock.com

The Arabian Horse World Championships is an exclusive event in Paris, France in December. It is a part of the world-class Paris Horse Show (Salon du Cheval de Paris).

For three days, some of the most magnificent Arabian horses from all over will compete for a coveted world title. The show’s first day has the Qualifying Classes Females (Yearling, Junior, Senior).

On the second day of the competition has the Qualifying Classes Males (Yearling, Junior, Senior). The third and final day consists of Championships and Special Awards.

Around 140 Arabians compete every year. Exhibitors and visitors from all over come to take in the incredible atmosphere and horses of the show. The Paris Horse Show is also home to the Paris Longines Masters, the Night of the Horse, and top-notch shopping.

4. Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship

Dubai International Arabian Horse ChampionshipDubai International Arabian Horse Championship

The Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship is held alongside the Dubai International Horse Fair. The renowned show takes place at the Dubai World Trade Center in March.

The competition displays the beauty, heritage, and athleticism of the purebred Arabian. The richest of its kind in the world, it also attracts a large gathering of Royalty. Each year around 185 horses compete in this elite championship.

The show offers halter classes for colts, fillies, mares, and stallions. Among the three days of competition, exhibitors and spectators will witness the best of the best in the breed compete. The fair also features other incredible events and equestrian performances.

5. Qatar National Arabian Horse Show

Qatar National Arabian Horse ShowQatar National Arabian Horse Show

The Qatar National Arabian Horse Show takes place at the Longines Indoor Arena at Al Shaqab. This elite show, which takes place in January, has some of the best Arabian horses in the world.

There are four days of competition with around 300 of the finest Arabian horses. There are halter classes for fillies, mares, colts, and stallions. Visitors are welcome to watch the exciting and competitive classes while also taking in the atmosphere.

6. UK International Arabian Horse Show

The UK International Arabian Horse Show takes place at the beautiful Manor Equestrian Centre, in Buckinghamshire, just North of London. The competition takes place across the span of three days in August.

The show offers halter classes for fillies, colts, stallions, mares, and even geldings. There are also three ridden classes for mares, stallions, and geldings. Many of Europe’s finest purebred Arabians come to compete at this impressive show. Exhibitors and spectators will both have a splendid time watching the best of the best compete.

Also read: 13 Interesting Facts About Arabian Horses

7. Youth & Mid Summer Arabian & Half-Arabian National Championship Horse Show

Youth & Mid Summer Arabian & Half-Arabian National Championship Horse ShowYouth & Mid Summer Arabian & Half-Arabian National Championship Horse Show

The Youth & Mid Summer Arabian & Half-Arabian National Championship Horse Show is a time for junior exhibitors and their horses to shine. This wonderful show takes place in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for ten days in July.

Youth Nationals is for Arabian exhibitors that are 18 years old and younger. The Mid Summer championship focuses on riders 18 years and up. The classes include side saddle, western pleasure, country English pleasure, show hack, reining, hunter pleasure, and so much more.

Equitation is also a big aspect of Youth Nationals. The best junior riders in the country compete to show off their skills. There is saddle seat equitation, dressage seat equitation, reining equitation, hunter seat equitation, and western seat equitation.

8. European Championships

Arabian European ChampionshipsArabian European Championships

At the European Championships, the nicest Arabian horses from across Europe compete for the title of “European Champion”. Each year, the show is held at a different location within Europe.

Over two days, the show includes halter classes for fillies, colts, mares, and stallions. Visitors gather to watch the magnificent horses, which are all European bred and owned.

European Breeders undergo an annual appointment at the show to check where they stand with their breeding program. The champions are then crowned gold, silver, or bronze awards. The show was also held alongside the elite Verona International Cup in 2021.

9. Canadian National Arabian and Half-Arabian Championship

Canadian National Arabian and Half-Arabian ChampionshipCanadian National Arabian and Half-Arabian Championship

The Canadian Nationals take place in Brandon, Manitoba. The show takes place over a course of seven days in August.

Canadian Nationals offers a wide variety of classes in all disciplines. Classes at the show include English pleasure, hunter pleasure, western pleasure, equitation, reining, and also halter, among many others. In addition, there is also an Armed Forces Day and behind-the-scene tours that give spectators an in-depth look at this wonderful breed.

Also read: 8 Most Famous Arabian Horses in History

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